Hello! I have just found your blog by chance and am sure of returning to visit it. It(has seemed to me to be very interesting and I have very good moment reading the texts and seeing the photographies. I have seen in your profile that we coincide with several things as literature, movies.. I am a young painter of Andalusia and I admire very much to Vincent VAn Gogh. If you want I invite you to my blog of art. A greeting and I will return to read you soon... Caro.
1 komentarz:
Hello! I have just found your blog by chance and am sure of returning to visit it. It(has seemed to me to be very interesting and I have very good moment reading the texts and seeing the photographies. I have seen in your profile that we coincide with several things as literature, movies..
I am a young painter of Andalusia and I admire very much to Vincent VAn Gogh. If you want I invite you to my blog of art.
A greeting and I will return to read you soon...
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